..and this is the bad. Friday, Aug 31 2007 

1. Instead of accepting yourself, you seek approval and
justification for your existence in work. 2. You work to escape
your feelings, shutting out your true needs and wants. 3. You
use work to tamp down the uncertainties of life by
over-organizing and refusing to give up control, losing your
spontaneity and creativity. 4. You create crises and get
adrenalin highs by overworking to resolve indigenous problems,
then suffer withdrawals into anxiety and depression. 5. You
hoard work to insure you will always be busy, seemingly
important and never bored. 6. You fear free time. 7. You’re
typically a perfectionist, unwilling to ask for help or
delegate because no one can meet your standards.

Why we create, and can it be bad???? Friday, Aug 31 2007 

I subscribe to Robert Genn bi-weekly newsletter.  And I came across this response to an earlier question of why we do what we do.  Let me know what you think.  Dorit

In my experience there are six conditions needed for happy
workaholism: 1. You have a philosophical understanding of the
dangers lurking in all of the above. 2. You are more or less
proficient at what you do. 3. You seem to be getting somewhere
with it. 4. You have learned the arts of self-reliance and
self-governance. 5. You have had other doors closed to you for
reasons of health, family, ignorance, incompetence, misguided
education or missed opportunity. 6. You secretly know that work
is play.

Best regards,


PS: “Human beings are of two classes: those whose work is work
and whose pleasure is pleasure; and those whose work and
pleasure are one.” (Sir Winston Churchill)

Esoterica: Evolved creative work means finding a “zone” that
the average worker knows not of. “As you work,” said the
British painter Francis Bacon, “the mood grows on you. There
are certain images which suddenly take hold and you need to do
them. The excitement and possibilities are in the working and
can only come in the working.” This is an eternally sanctified
and valid attitude. It might represent our highest calling.
Channeled, and yes, “balanced,” it actually leads to personal
happiness and possibilities for the common good. “Your work is
to discover your work – and then with all your heart to give
yourself to it.” (Buddha)

How to start over? Monday, Aug 27 2007 

Karla asked “I would like some ideas how artist “start over” in a new physical place after Katrina?”

Lets talk about Non-objective vs Objective Paintings Saturday, Aug 25 2007 

I think that as I get older and have more experiences to draw on I can throw out the things that just don’t matter.  Maybe that is what is drawing me to be more abstract.  When I think that I lived many years longer than I will be living I want to make each action I do more meaningful.  I am suddenly interested in a cleaner diet, better exercise regime and a more meaningful life.  With my paintings I have a choice I can become a much better representational painter and that is a fine goal.  Or I can  do what I am attempting and that is to put marks and brush strokes down that are a visual delight without a message or a narration.  What do you think?

Are you reading the posts? Friday, Aug 24 2007 

When I go to doritpittman.wordpress.com I only get my post.  When you go there are you seeing others’ posts?  I think your posts come to my email first, I have to approve and then it posts.  I would rather it go straight to post.  ANyone know how to do that? Dorit

It feels like a Hallmark moment! Thursday, Aug 23 2007 

This is going to work out just fine.  I feel that this is a better venue.

It is so very hot and I am still painting, but not as much.  I feel as though I leaped off a mountain and am floating.  I am painting abstracts.  Something I always wanted to do but never was any good at it.  THese are more figurative abstracts.  If I get  a good photo I will post.  I am doing something totaly different, I meditate and just let my mind clear and hope that an image appears.  and so far it has.  Don’t laugh but I even started to pray, not to a conventional God, but to my diety, mother earth, God the mother.  I am more in touch with creation, evolution than I am with religion, whatever, it helps.

I am creating layers with textures and including more or less recognizable figures.  I think I will continue with my fruit but do them small and quick so I can sell them easier.  I so much miss the square, the tourists, the artists, even the mules!  Doing these abstracts (I’m up to #2) is giving me an appreciaiton for the more recognizable still life.

Please add comments this is fun!


Hi Kids, It’s Here, the Blog Thursday, Aug 23 2007 

Now each of you can post a message anytime.  I will no longer be censoring  your remarks written in an obviously altered state of mind.  If you look below you can also post a picture, so lets share our work, and our thoughts.  No negative or parental comments, only offer criticism when someone asks for it, etc.  You know what I mean, play nice.

This is all new to me so jump in and help me out.


Hello world! Wednesday, Aug 22 2007 

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!